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I'm SO EXCITED about this Project!

I knew I wanted to do something for Gigi and to help grieving families, but couldn’t find just the right thing.  I was patient and knew I’d eventually figure it out.

Randomly early last year I remembered “The Bunny Project” that I had seen about 8 or so years prior.  People were sewing cute bunnies and leaving them for others to find.  For some reason it just popped into my head and I went hunting for it on the internet intending to make some bunnies.  I found it had been completely erased from the internet!!!  That made me sad!

Then a few days later, lamenting about what a fun project it was and sad it was gone…. it hit me!

I can do this with BUTTERFLIES!

These butterflies can be used as a catalyst to raise awareness about Pregnancy and Infant Loss!

I planned to make many different kinds so it wouldn’t be limited to only those with sewing machines.  I got to work on patterns and had tons of ideas for how to make butterflies.

Starting with crochet was an easy decision!  I also drew a butterfly for people to color and hang for those who don’t want to crochet.

I have plans for hand sewn butterflies, embroidered butterflies, machine sewn butterflies, and the list goes on….. lol.

My patterns and drawings are free for those who sign up for my email newsletter.

What is the Flutters of Light Project?

The Flutters of Light Project encourages people to gift butterflies to friends and family that are suffering from pregnancy and infant loss.
The Flutters of Light Project encourages people who are grieving to create something meaningful and beautiful.  Hopefully they will find some peace in that creativity.
The Flutters of Light Project donates handmade butterflies to hospitals and organizations that support grieving families.  Hopefully the butterfly will lighten their day as a symbol of hope and also lead them to this website for resources and support on their grief journey.
**All donations are done through Flutterby Hope.  If you would like to help and become a “Flutterby Maker” please contact me!!
The Flutters of Light Project encourages people to make butterflies and have those butterflies thoughtfully land at a destination as a loving gift of hope to the person that finds them.  For example: a tree in the park or a doorknob of a friend or neighbor.

As of today Flutterby Hope has donated 35 butterflies to Edward and Elmhurst hospital.  Eventually there will be a page on this site dedicated to keeping track of all of the butterflies in the world!

If you would like to participate please visit the Flutters of Light Project page – LINK

Why not crochet some hearts too?

As I shared this idea with some friends last month I was alerted to The Peyton Heart Project.  “A global project created to help end suicide and bullying and the stigma surrounding mental health issues.”  People make crochet hearts and leave them around in public for people to find!  I just love this and feel like we should do this for every cause!

The Peyton Heart Project – LINK

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